Maintaining 联邦半工半读的 (FWS) Award
Student must maintain 令人满意的学业进展
警告: If the student is placed on Warning 在秋季学期结束时, they cannot resume working until their 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) has been cleared and they receive notice that they may continue to work in the Spring.
试用期: If the student is placed on Probation at the end of Fall, they cannot resume working until their academic progress has been reviewed and their Appeal Verification Coursework Form has been approved.
暂停资格: If the student is placed on Suspension, 在秋季学期结束时, or is in the process of a financial aid appeal, they cannot resume working until their appeal has been reviewed and approved by the financial aid appeal committee.
最大时间范围: The student placed on Max time frame 在秋季学期结束时, or who is in the process of a financial aid appeal, cannot resume working until their appeal has been reviewed and approved by the financial aid appeal committee.
学习计划: If a student is placed on Academic Plan at the end of Fall, they must complete 100% of all attempted units with a term grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better and must be following the approved Academic Plan. They cannot resume working until their academic progress has been reviewed and their Appeal Verification Coursework Form has been approved.
时间表: If a student does not submit a time sheet for a pay period, their award will be canceled. If student is ill, they must contact the supervisor.
由于资金限制, it is possible that FWS allocations may be reduced for all students if there are not sufficient funds to cover projected earnings.
If, 获奖后, a student receives additional aid (scholarships, bgi的, 护理, or other resources related to their education), their financial aid award will be reviewed and adjusted accordingly. This may result in a reduction of their work-study award. Both student and supervisor will be notified of this change.
联邦 工作研究 奖励可能会增加.
If there are FWS funds available and the student's financial aid eligibility has not been met, the student 奖励可能会增加. This action is reviewed by the 金融援助 Office on a case-by-case basis.